Elite Fitness Evolution

CrossFit - Functional Training
Is a comprehensive  health and fitness service that educates, empowers, motivates and encourage every participant to achieve their full potential.
Our 8 weeks Fitness Challenge was designed with all of the necessary components to make your participation an incredible success. Our classes combine cardiovascular training, resistance training, sport specific drills and are loads of fun; We also include fitness testing and nutrition programs to ensure your success. The training program is mentally and physically rewarding, members feel an enormous sense of achievement when they finish each session.

Exercise and ageing 
Physical activity is beneficial at any age. It becomes even more important as you become older, exercise can extend your life. According to the Australian Public Health Service, regular exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, promotes weight loss, improves muscle functioning, helps prevent diabetes, helps control stress and helps prevent bone loss associated with ageing. In spite of this widely known information, more than 60 percent of Australians are not physically active.

How old is too old?
As long as you can breathe and move, there is some form of physical activity that can benefit you. Studies have shown that people over the age of 90 can still build strength and endurance with a carefully planned physical activity program. If you have been sedentary, are a male over 40 or female over 50, see your doctor to get the clear and let us help you with a plan and activity program that will benefit you. The time to start is now! 

What can Personal Training do for me?
Improve overall fitness, strength, endurance, coordination and cardiovascular capacity. Reach or maintain a healthy weight, reduce body fat and tone your body.

Stick to it!
Personal Training will help you to stay focused and motivated through encouragement, enjoyable activities and a personalised program. Maximum gain, minimum time. Expertise used by our Personal Trainers mean efficient and effective ways to improve your strengths, and address your weaknesses.

Boot Camps
Kettlebellls Sport
Functional Training
Overall Strength and Fitness
Boxercise and Self Defence
Nutrition and Well being
Meditation and Stretch Techniques

For more information please contact:

Michael Jorquera
CrossFit Trainer, Master Trainer,
Sports Coach, Functional Training,
Martial Arts, Nutrition
Tel: 0416 369 719

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